Monday 13 April 2015

New Adventures In A New World

April 11, 2015

Brad and Rob's Diving Experience:

2 years ago - 2013
Vancouver - Bob invites us to come on this trip!

October 2014
Brad and Rob get our PADI certification just in time!

April 2015
Seychelles - week of diving in one of the world's top diving sites! Bob's invite to come to the Seychelles was all about the amazing diving. We spend a lot of our time around water - ocean, lakes, pools, anywhere to swim. We have snorkelled during our travels but only learned to scuba dive for this trip. It is quite amazing for those who haven't tried it.

Put on this gear and just remember to keep breathing normally...while under water...with fish and other cool things cruising around you. Still breathing?? good.

The pictures in this post speak for themselves.

Thanks to Bob the underwater photographer for most of these pics.

AND to Bob, for getting us to try scuba diving. A new exciting experience we may not have done without your prompting!

What's your new thing to try this year??

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