Sunday 26 April 2015

I’m a believer - PART 1

PART 1 - celebrating all that South Africa shared with us:

 “I’m a believer”, Neil Diamond, blares out of the speakers as Rob and I drive down the N2 off on our own adventure for a week of exploring the Western Cape in South Africa. We’ll be exploring a specific part called the Garden Route, where the Indian & Atlantic Ocean meet. 

I’m laughing to myself, as there were a few discussions on Neil Diamond throughout this adventure. Extreme opinions; Rob is a champion of Neil and believes most people love him and, well in the words of Luc, “not so much” and “it’s old lady music”.

Cape Town was a bit of an extreme experience for me too. No doubt we loved Cape Town, it is a great city with much to do. Bike tours, wine tours, boat tours, walking tours, gondola tours…did I mention the wine and food tours??

The ‘extreme’ feeling for me was a theme I experienced when I was in Africa my first time in 1996. While in Tanzania for those 3 months I’d volunteer with street kids during the day and then go back to my friend’s family house or the yacht club for Friday night dinner. Extreme environments.

Cape Town is a city very much in transition. The history barely separate from the present day. 
The street art speaks to this throughout the city. More about that in Part 2.

The 5 of us rented a house in an amazing neighbourhood, De Waterkant, and we spent the first couple of days exploring it.

Just 15 minutes walk from our place is the Waterfront Market; great food, local artists, tourists with cameras!

Bob, Robby and I enjoyed lunch in the park -The Company's Garden

Post lunch nap in a cool "tree-house" (sorry again kid for kicking you out but it was my turn!)

And of course South Africa offers some fantastic wine - spent a day doing some tours.

Robby and I were almost recruited to help 'stomp' the grapes for the wine...I thought it would be fun but Rob looked at me like I was Lucille Balle - of course I love Lucy! but we decided to just have a glass of wine instead - good choice!

Gondola Tour of Table Mountain
Dancing through the 'table cloth' (clouds) of Table Mountain

The bike tour! 
Found some special benches along the way...yes the end date below reads 1991 which is the year I graduated from high school.

The Population Registration Act of 1950 required that each inhabitant of South Africa be classified and registered in accordance with their racial characteristics as part of the system of apartheid 

The FIFA World Cup stadium

Loved Cape Town!

Decided to do a Part 1 and Part 2 because it was just too long a blog to be honest - wanted to blog just on all we learned about President Mandela. 

1 comment:

  1. my favourite Mandela quote, "it always seems impossible until it is done"
